Now Now Now

What I'm Doing Now Feb 2022
This is a Now Page. You should have one too! It's to share where I am and what I'm doing right now, so we can all keep track of our friends. It gets us keeping priorities strong and fresh, and connecting in lively helpful ways.
I'm cat-sitting in Dalesford, a country town near Melbourne, and in my element again. I'm looking for more housesitting opportunities out this way, while I manifest my next home. If you have a good spare house that you would like me to turn into Zen Permaculture Fairyland, and fill with wonderful poeple, lets talk.

2022 Theme: Love
All those '2's, it's so romantic. With the way the world is going, this is the year to make sure everything that I let into my life is something I love. Every conversation, every object.
Why do anything else? It might be our last chance. Love includes maintanance. So I'm giving my old car a makeover, decluttering my files, and asking 'How can I be a better friend' to the people in my life.
Cecilia at her 2021 live-in declutter project, Suburban Melbourne.

Still enjoying Mr Wonderful, at Earth Frequency Festival 2021
I love Japan and can't get there. So I'm doing the next best thing, and putting my love into Permaculture projects and workshops at Shizuka Ryokan, an authentic Japanese guesthouse. It's got tatami, adorable staff, the lot. Now it's got me.
I'm still full of enthusiasm for decluttering people's homes, so long as they are willing to go all the way to beautiful. Its always possible, no matter how humble.

I've been asking friends to lend me must-read, irresistible books, as a way to avoid screen time. I spent the last 2 years catching up on Dystopian Fiction, and still have heaps to go. Authors Ursula LeGuin and Kim Stanley Robinson are current favorites.
I'm still reading Sand Talk By Tyson Yunkaporta. It's on how Indigenous thinking can save the world. It's an infinite read.