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Cecilia Macaulay
Aug 3, 20245 min read
The Three Clutter Hurdles, Cleared Like a Hero. Mrs Asaba's Kitchen revolution, and how you can have one too.
Can you handle a full-on Revolution? 'Are you willing to let go of 50 per cent of your kitchen stuff? I asked 'Yes!' said Mrs Asaba. '70...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Jul 31, 20242 min read
Diane is Beautiful
I met Diane Carter on Dr. Marc's Bali retreat, and like four-year-olds, we became friends the minute we met. She probably even took my...
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Cecilia Macaulay
May 17, 20242 min read
Cecilia's Butterbur Day
I love drawing its frilly round leaves. I love it when I call in on oldies in the countryside, and they shuffle over to offer me a dish...
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Cecilia Macaulay
May 6, 20243 min read
List of the best food storage containers in Japan, for a free and breezy pantry and fridge
Its Golden Week here in Kamakura, the one week of the year the overworked people of Japan get days and days of time off to go put up a...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Mar 12, 20241 min read
How Brave? Malala's song on Women's Day
My sister's choir sang this lulling whirlwind of a song on International Women's Day. I love the many moods, like life. It's a song for...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Feb 16, 20243 min read
What I'm Doing Now February 2024
I'm staying in an apartment in Footscray, Inner Melbourne. Â It overlooks the Maribyrnong River, where I take my morning walk...

Cecilia Macaulay
Sep 20, 20233 min read
When the Big Buddha Became Homeless
On this day many centuries ago, a tsunami washed away the building that this guy Amida was housed in. The monks never built him another,...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Apr 16, 20224 min read
Move to EcoTopia, Tasmania: Dream Permaculture Property creation story.
I've been in love with eco-villages since I read Mrs Frisbee and the Rats of Nimh, about a colony of very clever escapee lab rats, who...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Feb 24, 20224 min read
Invite yourself over for dinner.
I'm doing something a bit radical this year, and so far, so good. It's called 'only do things you really, really like with people you...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Jan 7, 20223 min read
Big Family, Merry and Easy Christmas
My Sydney brother keeps a humble cottage in the remote and lovely town of Beechworth. It's for lockdowns, for his chickens and ducks, and...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Apr 28, 20213 min read
Skills Bring Freedom: My Wellness Retreat on a Storybook Farm
When I came and stayed at Gardenfarm a few years ago, it was my dream to fill the farm with people I enjoyed, and have them live and...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Mar 24, 20213 min read
A rainbow-maker in a dark place
In a suburb of Melbourne, a cobwebbed chandelier was hanging in the corner of a cluttered courtyard. No light from this guy. I was...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Mar 23, 20213 min read
Create your Sacred Space: declutter webinar this Sunday.
I hope you've had some bliss-out time in your introvert spot today. I've just moved to a new home, and I'm experimenting, dragging chairs...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Mar 10, 20213 min read
Things I'd like to offer and receive from the friendly neighbourhood share economy of Rosanna
'Does anyone have Brasso they aren't using'? I was shy to put that request in the online community group. 'Why don't you just go buy it...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Nov 26, 20203 min read
Discover Your Bedroom of Dreams
To live in a home where you are wanted, understood, and valued is heaven. Here is how Marie and I spent a day resetting her home, so...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Nov 21, 20202 min read
Chrismas Can Be Perplexing. Manifest a Festival Just Right for You.
Christmas can be perplexing. It can also be a festival where we upgrade each other's lives, see each other in a new light, and get a...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Oct 24, 20204 min read
Permaculture's 'Edge Effect' for a Decluttered, Delightful Fridge
When you open your fridge door, everything lights up. You see a 'tower of power' of beautiful food, stacked and ready to go. They are...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Oct 3, 20205 min read
Wake up and your kitchen sink will smile at you: declutter & reset design that works, forever.
No matter how disorderly the rest of your house is, you start at the kitchen sink. Turn it into a shrine of beauty and love. It will spread.
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Cecilia Macaulay
Sep 19, 20203 min read
Declutter your laundry monsters by making lovely 'families'
Declutter is both a spiritual practice and a team sport. The stuff that clogs up our houses has a life of its own, and hypnotises us to...
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Cecilia Macaulay
Sep 12, 20204 min read
Declutter, Reset, and make your Sacred Space: 'Giftivist' Webinar coming up
My client Robyn and I made this little shrine of beauty, truth and love in a high-attention, high-value zone in her once-cluttered kitchen.
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