Less Stuff More Merry
Get the humble things right, and life transforms
Our food storage is an eloquent metaphor for how we let our personal lives become: overcommitted, stale, the flow aint happening. We hang on to things we don't really want, and they stop us from seeing the good stuff. If you want to become designer of your life, fresh and colorful, practice on your fridge first. Its easier.
Sunday ,
Shizuka Ryokan Hepburn Springs
Less Stuff, More Merry
Re-imagine, Re-design, and 'Zen' your Christmas
Sunday 4th December, Online Webinar
How to keep the thrills of Christmas, avoid the pitfalls, and evolve new traditions you really love.
Do-able ways to Declutter and Reset your gathering space to be inspiring. Remove subliminal sources of stress, beautify without buying a thing.
How to gracefully request and give desireable gifts, creating value, not clutter.
Embrace the Japanese traditions of O-soji, or 'Big Clean' and Osechi cuisine: feasting without a big clean-up afterwards.​
Creative ways to have juicy exchanges, especially with relatives we find challenging.
You can carry these design fundamentals with you, all the New Year.